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Writing a blog is a novel exercise for me. Yet I am jumping straight in with delectation and some apprehension. As I start, I wonder if anyone is ever going to......

Retour à la normale ? Pensez-vous vraiment que tout va reprendre comme avant ?Vos collaborateurs ont dû s’adapter pendant le confinement. Ce faisant, ils ont– démontré qu’on pouvait leur faire confiance– ressenti......

How many of us consider conflict to be negative? Nothing good ever comes out of it, right? I used to think so too… Younger I used to think that conflicts......

What activities do you find really nourish your person? Do you give yourself permission to do them? And if you do, how much do you savor doing them?...

How did you get up this morning? What was your mood when you set your foot on the bedroom floor? As you opened your eyes, coming out of slumber, what......

L’histoire est remplie de nombreux exemples de nations qui sont entrées en guerre sur base de malentendu (prétexté ou réel). Les nations ne sont pas les seules à faire face......

Studies show that many students whose behavior is interpreted as ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are in fact « misdiagnosed » by teachers with statistically significant differences in personality from that......